We are officially almost two months into this thing and it has been a WILD RIDE so far!
It feels like we have been doing this for a very long time (probably because of the treacherous three months of demo work we did leading up to our grand opening), but we are just under the two month mark of being officially open for business and we can hardly believe it. But for real, where did the last two months go?
We are so encouraged by all the people from the neighborhood that stop in consistently and tell us how excited they are to have something like this on "this side of town". We have been blown away by the steady stream of new and returning customers who keep stopping in to shop and chat, calling, inquiring about classes, and so much more.

I had every intention of writing one blog every month because well, I just have so many important things to say and that seemed like an attainable goal... But here I am starting back up in January because I definitely missed posting in December. December was full of food, family and resting up after a long few months!
Honestly, I never started this "thing" (this business, this blog, this adventure) with the intention of becoming famous or really even rich, ahaha. Joanna and Chip Gaines will forever be #goals, but truly, I would hate to be that well known, I don't even like getting my picture taken...
All that aside, one of my biggest intentions behind this has always been...
to build relationships and support the community right where we are at...in this stretch of Grand Rapids that we landed. It is evident there is a reason we are here and we are excited to see where this adventure takes us.
From the beginning stages of building this from the ground up, our passion has been to support local artists and businesses, and while it would be a heck of a lot easier to buy cheap wholesale stuff from China, we have been incredibly blessed to have so many amazing local vendors that want to partner with us. They just keep coming out of the woodwork and we keep adding more and more talent to the shop.
We have grown and changed so much in just two months, and as I am looking back in awe, I simultaneously think "this is the hardest thing ever AND this is the best thing ever."
As I am looking forward to the start of New Year, like most people, it has begun with setting goals. While I haven't quite done this for myself personally (maybe by spring), I have been scheming and dreaming up goals for this little business. I am sharing a few of them here because maybe, just maybe, you will help keep me accountable or help me bring them to fruition!
1) Have a class/workshop for parents and their KIDS! Work with local schools to create an an event for families to do together.
2) Host a neighborhood thanksgiving dinner for anyone and everyone, because I can fit 50 people in this space and why the heck not!!
3) Know my neighbors and regular customers by name. Have a "customer appreciation card"
4) Partner with local businesses to further create community and give back in this area.
5) Keep adding/supporting local artists and businesses, let's fill this place up!
I have lots of other things in my head, but this is a start at least. Happy New Year, friends!